On a camping holiday: In the water, kids!

© DR


Your little one is going to spend his first holiday with you. When he goes to the swimming pool, he only dreams of diving in. But even for the paddling pool, he is still too small. But don't worry, there's a facility that's becoming increasingly popular on campsites that should reassure you and allow your little one to become king of the world.

Depending on the brand, they are called Aquatoons, Aquasplash, etc., but in all cases, the principle remains the same: it's all about playing with water, splashing and spraying yourself... and making new friends. To put it simply, imagine a huge slab covered with coloured or uncoloured concrete or a flexible floor, on which numerous games have been installed, jets, buckets that fill up by themselves and are emptied by surprise on the children's heads, misters, etc. It is a "pacified zone" where the youngest children, under the supervision of their parents of course, can discover the pleasures of water in complete safety.

My baby in the midst of 'madmen'?

Rest assured, everything will be fine. The design of this type of equipment follows very precise rules. It is a place where several age groups can meet without mixing. Each zone of the aqua playground is reserved for a specific age group with its own specific games, water flow, etc. There is no risk of a three-apple tall little man or woman getting 50 litres of water on their head at once because they have gone under a bucket. The play equipment for the youngest children is located on the periphery so that "Mr. Baby" can play under your supervision.

Finally, if you have any questions about water quality, you should know that a water playground follows the same rules as a swimming pool. It has its own filtration and treatment unit. You see, nothing can happen to your treasure. All you have to do now... is join him.

Are you going on a camping holiday with your children?

On a campsite, everything is designed to welcome children, whatever their age.

- Discover a selection of campsites with a mini-club for children

- Are you going on holiday with a toddler? Read more: Going camping with the baby: it's possible