Camping in the Val d'Oise, like an air of holiday...

La Roche-Guyon dans le Val d'Oise © IStock


The Val d'Oise is a French department belonging to the Ile de France region and is located to the north of the Paris region. It is characterised by a contrasted territory, composed of two natural parks and villages whose landscapes, such as Auvers sur Oise, have inspired many painters, as well as an important built heritage with several castles, abbeys and other museums. The Val d'Oise also offers a wide range of activities and several campsites.

Campsites in Val d'Oise

A stay in the Val d'Oise necessarily means finding accommodation. A campsite is the ideal place for families to explore a place while having fun by taking part in the activities or relaxing by the pool. There are 7 campsites in the Val-d'Oise, including the Le Grand Paris campsite **** in Nesles-la-Vallée, located 5 minutes from Isle-Adam, which has a swimming pool and a paddling pool for children, as well as a playground and an equestrian estate 150 metres away, which offers rides and courses. Bungalows for up to 6 people are available. The campsite is located 10 km from Anvers sur Oise, 23 km from Ecouen castle and 21 km from Royaumont abbey.

The Val d'Oise heritage to discover during your camping holiday

The Château d'Ecouen, the only Renaissance museum in France

Built in the 16th century on the orders of Anne de Montmorency, the Château d'Ecouen is a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture inspired by Italian palaces. It became a national museum of the Renaissance in 1977 and houses sumptuous collections of decorative arts and sculptures, gold and silverware, ceramics and tapestries from the period, such as the clock in the shape of a ship, but above all there is the superb 75-metre long hanging of the Story of David and Bathsheba. A beautiful 17-hectare park, built in the 17th century, is also to be seen around the castle. The cradle of the Montmorency family, the village of Ecouen was born at the beginning of the 7th century and has a generous and fascinating past. Its streets are full of history and are worth discovering.


The Domaine de Villarceaux and its certified garden

Located in Chaussy in the Parc Naturel Régional du Vexin, the Domaine de Villarceaux is an 800-hectare complex of structures containing several buildings with two châteaux built in a 70-hectare park labelled Jardin Remarquable. One of the châteaux, located in the lower part, dates from the 13th century and the other, in the upper part, dates from the 18th century. The latter is in the Louis XV style and has a large collection of magnificent 18th century paintings and furniture. The park and its gardens are a delight for visitors, with a large pond, numerous canals, a water parterre surrounded by boxwood next to Ninon's pavilion and the medieval garden with its medicinal plants at the foot of the Saint-Nicolas tower. They are open from April to October.

Domaine de Villarceaux © IStock

Auvers-sur-Oise, in the footsteps of the Impressionists

Seductive and quiet, this is the village where many of the Impressionists, such as Van Gogh, Daubigny, Corot and Cézanne, sought, and apparently found, their inspiration. Van Gogh painted 70 of his paintings here before his death. His grave can be found in the village cemetery as well as that of his brother Theo. During the walk, panels allow you to follow the path of the Impressionists and guide the visitors on the path of the painters which made and still makes the glory of the countryside of Auvers. The statue of Van Gogh by the sculptor Zadkine, the Ravoux inn which was his last home, the castle and its pretty French gardens, the house and garden of Daubigny classified as historical monuments... are some of the many places to be admired in Auvers-sur-Oise.

Auvers-sur-Oise© IStock

Royaumont Abbey, the largest Cistercian abbey in Ile-de-France

In the heart of the Oise-Pays de France Regional Nature Park lies the peaceful Royaumont Abbey, where a spiritual climate has reigned since 1228. Founded by Saint Louis, it was occupied by monks until the Revolution, and then became a cotton mill and military hospital during the Great War. It was finally bought by a family who made it a cultural foundation. The building, the superb cloister and the vaulted rooms are particularly well preserved. The entire abbey has been beautifully restored. During the visit, you will notice the beauty of certain rooms such as the monks' refectory, the Gothic cloister and its French garden, the garden of the nine squares and the latrine building, which is crossed along its entire length by a canal that is so original.

Abbaye de Royaumont © IStock

La Roche-Guyon, ranked among the most beautiful villages in France

Located in the heart of the Vexin Regional Nature Park and classified as the most beautiful village in France, La Roche-Guyon attracts visitors. It has even become a famous holiday resort for people of the arts and letters. Particularly attractive thanks to its peaceful atmosphere and its old-fashioned side, it is located on the edge of a meander of the Seine and at the foot of chalky cliffs. The walks along the Seine and its beautiful houses are a pleasant experience. Renowned for its Renaissance, classical and medieval style castle, it is dominated by a medieval keep and the two buildings are linked by a staircase carved into the rock.

Château de La Roche-Guyon © IStock

L'Isle-Adam, a real seaside resort

Nestled in the heart of the Impressionist Valley, L'Isle-Adam is a haven of peace. It is hard to imagine that you are 30 kilometres from Paris! Its fine sandy beach with cabins, its leisure centre with aquatic pools, slides and waterfalls give it a real seaside resort feel. The course of the river Oise, the numerous parks and gardens, the ponds and the 1500 hectares of forest bordering the town, also invite you to go for a walk. History lovers will also appreciate Ile-Adam for the Saint-Martin church, classified as a historical monument, and the illumination of the tomb of Prince Louis-François de Bourbon-Conti. In the Cassan park, the 18th century Chinese pavilion is also worth seeing.