What to see near the campsite CAMPING DE KERDUAL in Trébeurden
Take advantage of your holidays in Trébeurden to discover these cultural places : Eglise Ste Trinité, Bernard Louédin et Dominique de Serres, BIjoux Samirka, Alain Brouard, Association ENTREVOIR, Poterie d'art Xénia .
On the nature side, during your stay at the campsite CAMPING DE KERDUAL, discover Ile Milliau, Vallée de Goas Lagorn, Marais du Quellen, Landes de Milin Ar Lan, Cyprès de Lambert (Cupressus macrocarpa) - 120 ans, Pointe de Bihit, Pointe du Castel, Presqu'île de Toëno.
To go out with the children, take advantage of the attractions nearby : Planétarium de Bretagne in Pleumeur-Bodou, Parc du Râdome in Pleumeur-Bodou, Le Village Gaulois in Pleumeur-Bodou, Cité des télécoms in Pleumeur-Bodou, Planétarium de Bretagne in Pleumeur-Bodou, Ecocentre Trégor in Pleumeur-Bodou .