What to see near the campsite L'ESPÉRANCE in Trébeurden
Take advantage of your holidays in Trébeurden to discover these cultural places : Eglise Ste Trinité, Bernard Louédin et Dominique de Serres, BIjoux Samirka, Alain Brouard, Association ENTREVOIR, Poterie d'art Xénia .
On the nature side, during your stay at the campsite L'ESPÉRANCE, discover Ile Milliau, Vallée de Goas Lagorn, Marais du Quellen, Landes de Milin Ar Lan, Cyprès de Lambert (Cupressus macrocarpa) - 120 ans, Pointe de Bihit, Pointe du Castel, Presqu'île de Toëno.
To go out with the children, take advantage of the attractions nearby : Planétarium de Bretagne in Pleumeur-Bodou, Parc du Râdome in Pleumeur-Bodou, Le Village Gaulois in Pleumeur-Bodou, Cité des télécoms in Pleumeur-Bodou, Planétarium de Bretagne in Pleumeur-Bodou, Ecocentre Trégor in Pleumeur-Bodou .